Robin Nestling Delivered to 93rd Street Nest

Red-tailed Hawks often raid American Robin nests, but today I saw my first robin nestling be delivered to a nest. The eyasses had a hard time dividing it up a the three of them kept stealing it from each other. Young hawks need to be able to feed themselves before they leave the nest, so a nestling robin made a good first do it yourself meal.

I saw similar behavior last year, at the Peregrine Falcon nest at 86th and West End. There the parents stopped feeding the young falcons, and simply dropped off House Sparrows to each youngster a few days before they were ready to fledge.

Wild West Playground Eyasses Get Squirrel For Dinner

The eyasses at the Wild West Playground at 93rd and Central Park West got fed a gray squirrel for dinner on Sunday. Both parents had the squirrel in their beaks, and at first I thought each was trying to take it. But watching the footage, it looks like they were working together to rip it open. The three eyasses are growing up fast and I’m looking forward to them fledging in late May.