Late July, Early August

I’ve been birding on and off in the last two weeks, usually without a camera. It’s a quiet time with the first signs of fall migration just beginning. (I had two American Redstarts and a Northern Waterthrush yesterday.)

I have shot some snippets of what I’ve been seeing including:

  • Central Park’s resident Barred Owl who has stayed longer than anyone expected, about 10 months at this point.
  • The fledgling on Governor’s Island who is now a fantastic flier, exploring the island with ease.
  • Laughing Gulls on Central Park’s Reservoir. While they aren’t rare in the NYC area, it was a fun surprise to see them in the park.
  • One of the El Dorado Peregrine Hawks eating dinner.
  • Pale Male looking a bit scruffy, as he is molting.

Governors Island Is Open

Governors Island is open for the season and the Red-tailed Hawk nest has hatched. I saw two feedings. They eyasses are still too small to see, but we should see them in a week or so. This is the second year for the nest. Last year due to COVID-19 most of us missed watching the activity on the nest, so this year will be special for may of us. Also seen on the island were the sheep that have been introduced to help control the invasive plants around the hammocks.