2016 Manhattan Nests – Update 12

The key news this week is:

  • Washington Square Park, 1 Fledgling
  • Tompkins Square Park, 2 or 3 Fledglings.  (They are returning to the nest which makes it hard to be sure.)
  • The fledgling picked up by police from St. John did not survive.
  • On Sunday during the Puerto Rican Day parade, one of Pale Male and Octavia’s offspring ended up in the Conservatory Water.  It was in rehab for 24 hours, and returned to the park.
  • A one year old hawk got tapped between a window and a storm window on 69th Street, was freed by the NYPD 19th Precinct and managed to get stuck again.  Thanks to the Ranger Rob Mastrianni it got captured a second time and sent out to WINORR.

Correction 6-15-16: Unfortunately, the second eyass at 116th and Riverside did not fledge but died, probably from Frounce (Trichomonas).

Hawks 2016-12