2018 Manhattan Nest Update 16


  1. All of the Grant’s Tomb eyasses have fledged.  WINORR is working to capture them since they are without parents.  One was captured on Monday, and one today.  This leaves just one to get to safety.
  2. Another hawk joined its sibling at 96th on the fire escape above the Starbucks.  Both returned to the nest by noon.  A rehabilitator examined the hawk that was limping and found nothing unusual with the bird.  It still has a slight limp, but is fine.  The mother is only delivering food to the nest and it looks like she’s in no rush for them to fledge properly.  One of the hawks looks a lot younger than its siblings, so she may be encouraging them to wait and fledge together.
  3. The first of Pale Male and Octavia’s brood fledged sometime before 3 p.m. today.
Hawks 2018-16