2018 Manhattan Nest Update 18

Good News and Bad News:

  1. No fledgling has been sighted at Inwood Hill Park yet.  So, it is unclear if the nest was sucessfull this year.
  2. At 96th and Lexington, one fledgling got trapped in the school construction site and was taken to rehab.  It may have Frounce.  Its siblings may also be infected.
  3. All of the Washington Square Park hawks have fledged safely.
  4. The outcome of the 310 West 72nd Street fledge is unclear.  I’ve heard unconfirmed reports that one died after fledging but also a confirmed report that one went to the Wild Bird Fund before being transferred to The Raptor Trust.
  5. I heard second hand that there may have been a nest on a fire escape along 122nd Street this year.  I would appreciate any information on this nest.
Hawks 2018-18