2019 Manhattan Red-tailed Hawk Nest Update 6

I’ve been busy watching spring migrants, but have gotten news about two nests.

1) Susan Kirby recorded feedings at 350 Central Park West.  Her video is on YouTube.  This is wonderful news.  In a few weeks, when the eyasses grow a little bigger this should be a wonderful nest to watch.  The nest is ten stories up, and five windows from the north and is best viewed from in front of the playgrounds either at 96/97th or 93rd from the sidewalk of the east side of Central Park West.

2) The third egg hatched at Washington Square.  The camera was restored a few years ago.  The URL is https://www.ustream.tv/channel/e3uYJSDgmbz  On a mobile phone, download the ustream application and search for “NYU Hawk Cam”.

Hawks 2019