Barred Owl and Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

The Barred Owl was back in its regular roost perch on Monday. It usually just takes a few steps west before fly out, but tonight it took a few east, then a few west. It had its eye on something, and it may have been a Eastern Cottontail Rabbit.

The rabbit was first in Shakespeare Garden, then seen in the Tupelo Meadow and now is much further east. It is good to see it has survived since March.

Luckily the owl. while fascinated with the rabbit, just watched it and then flew away. It made its way to the same snag where it perched on Saturday. It again picked at the remains of a bird. I wonder if it is caching food in the snag.

The owl went south and let us watch it on two different perches before making a long flight out of view.