Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Compost

Today, Flaco wasn’t in any of his normal roosts. An owl watcher saw him flying south along the East Drive around 97th Street, so he might have roosted in a tree near the Southwest corner of the East Meadow or the Southeast corner of the eastern half of the North Meadow.

Because he was seen going south of the 96th Street Transverse the search for him started there and at the Tennis Courts but he wasn’t found. I backtracked north, to the meadows, compost, Nutter’s Battery and construction. I then heard him hooting from Nutter’s Battery. He was first in a tree at the northeastern side of the construction site and then continued hooting from his favorite tree in the area. But just as we started to photograph him, he left.

We relocated him in his favorite tree at Compost. He went to the ground twice. He seemed to miss on the first try, but if it was little he might have eaten it on the spot. On his second try, he caught a small rodent. He returned to his tree and ate it in one or two bites. I accidentally didn’t record his eating.

He then relaxed and even close his eyes for a few minutes. After the long evening of Saturday night, I went home. However two other owl watchers stayed to see if he would continue hunting.