Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Night 77

Thursday night with Flaco was enjoyable. He’s roosting now in a Tulip tree just south of the tree he had been roosting in for weeks. As he did the night before, he few to his old roosting tree about half an hour before his full fly out.

At fly out he went to a few trees along the drive both south and west of the construction site before flying into the site. He spent at least an hour in the site. He would disappear from sight, but then reappear periodically one of the two excavators, the walls or on a pallet of wood. It was unclear if he caught a rodent.

He then flew up to the compost heap, hooted for about two hours and made two unsuccessful hunting attempts. (Although I’m sure he was able to catch something later after the park closed at 1 am!) He perched for an hour near one of the dumpsters and was unfazed as two Conservancy trucks and a NYPD car when under him after 11 pm.

While I was unable to watch Falco eat, a bonus for the evening was hearing an Eastern Whip-poor-will call multiple times from the Loch. I would never have been in the park so late to hear it, if it hadn’t been for Flaco.