Jewelweed Blooms, Hummingbirds Arrive

The temperature is getting a little crisper in the morning, the days are getting shorter and the Jewelweed is in full bloom in Strawberry Fields.  It must be close to Labor Day.

Jewelweed consistantly attracts two birds in the park, Ruby-throated Hummingbird while the flowers are in bloom and when there are seed pods, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.

Today, right on schedule a Ruby-throated Hummingbird came in to drink the nectar of the Jewelweed flowers.  For the next few weeks, anyone wanting to see a Central Park Hummingbird, just needs to find the Jewelweed on the south central edge of Strawberry Field lawn and wait for a Hummingbird.  They usually have a route they repeat every twenty minutes in the early evening, so with a little patience you’re bound to see one.
