Looking Good

I made a brief visit to the newly refurbished 5th Avenue nest of Pale Male and Lola on Saturday.  Everything seemed like normal on a mid-winter day.  Lola and Pale Male are now spending much more time near the nest and are protecting the neighborhood.  While I was there, they chased off a juvenile Red-tail and an Accipiter pair.

Both Pale Male and Lola visited the nest.  Lola settled down into the nest and was impossible to see.  I think she can now settle in a little deeper.

Pale Male doing an inspection…
…during a brief five minute visit.
Lola, I think, landing on a building a few blocks north of the nest site.
Pale Male on his favorite 960 Fifth Avenue window.
Pale Male on the “Linda” building, which is about two blocks south of the nest on 5th Avenue.
Pale Male above and Lola below over 5th Avenue around 78th Street.

James Lewis, who has been keeping track of the dates of Pale Male’s yearly nest activities, has the first event, first copulation as anywhere between 1/26 and 3/5.  So keep an eye out for the first signs of Spring!