Northern Saw-whet Owl

Central Park has had a Northern Saw-whet Owl roosting only about ten feet off the ground in a tree, with the exception of one day since Sunday. It has attracted large crowds and has been a sensation on social media. I have avoided the owl for the most part. On Thursday, I got up early to see if I could see it at sunrise, but it had choose a different roost and could not be found.

Today, I went to see if I could get photographs of the owl covered in snow. While I did get some wonderful pictures, it didn’t not get off the owl covered in snow given the gale force winds! I almost got blown over twice, but the little owl hung on tight and was fine.

There were only a few folks watching the owl while I was there. The observers kept their distance, were quiet and enjoyed great looks at the Saw-whet. It was nice to see everyone being so respectful. None of us had to worry about waking the owl up however, as it was wide awake dealing with the wind!