Problems at Washington Square

Unfortunately, on what should have been a happy day with an incredibly unexpected hatching, the mother has gotten herself twisted in fishing line or cord. Her foot is swollen and she may be making the cord tighter while she tries to free herself.

I was in the park this evening, but didn’t realize from the street anything was wrong.  However, after reviewing my video I can clearly see she is in trouble.

Rehabbers and N.Y.U. are aware of situation.  The site logistics are horrible.  The window is fixed, so access has to be from the roof.  Update: 5-7-11, the windows can be unlocked.  They swing on hinges, and although the nest window faces out and can’t be used the western window of the pair opens in. Plus, with the new hatchling, the parents will be especially aggressive. 

Left untreated the mother might loose her leg and die, and most likely so would the hatchling.  Whatever rescue happens, things may go wrong, but the outcome will be better than doing nothing. 

So, we should be very careful not to criticize those helping, in case there is an accident.  The rehabbers are going to be twelve stories high, trying to save a mother who won’t want to be helped and have a father who might attack them from behind.
