Randalls Island Peregrine Falcons

A nice trip to Randalls Island on Sunday yeilded the two resident Peregrine Falcons atop the center building of The Manhattan Psychiatric Center.  One was on a corner and the other on a set of communications towers.  The bird on the tower was banded but it was too far away to capture any numbers.

The count for the day was fairly good.  35 species with a Common Goldeneye and a Belted Kingfisher as highlights.  The day had three raptor species, American Kestrel, Peregrine Falcon and Red-tailed Hawk.

620  Brant
406  Canada Goose
30  Gadwall
3  American Black Duck
28  Mallard
12  Bufflehead
1  Common Goldeneye
14  Red-breasted Merganser
24  Ruddy Duck
1  Red-throated Loon
1  Double-crested Cormorant
2  Great Cormorant
1  Great Blue Heron
2  Red-tailed Hawk
1  American Coot
20  Ring-billed Gull
1  Herring Gull
4  Great Black-backed Gull
45  Rock Pigeon
3  Mourning Dove
2  Belted Kingfisher
3  American Kestrel
2  Peregrine Falcon
4  American Crow
4  Black-capped Chickadee
1  White-breasted Nuthatch
14  American Robin
2  Northern Mockingbird
57  European Starling
1  American Tree Sparrow
1  Song Sparrow
2  White-throated Sparrow
1  Dark-eyed Junco
6  Northern Cardinal
15  House Sparrow