Riverside Park

Every breeding season in New York City, we have lots of nests that work like clockwork.  This year, this seems to be Washington Square Park, Fort Washington Avenue, Inwood Hill Park, Fifth Avenue, CUNY Uptown and St. John seem to be in this category this year.  (I haven’t had a chance to see what’s up on Randall’s Island, but that I suspect is fine.)

Then we have mysteries or mishaps.  The Highbridge Park nest had problems, and a new one was built recently.   In Central Park three pairs of hawks, one at the south, one in the northwest and one in the northeast, are all trying to get established.

The most confusing though is Riverside Park.  After a few seasons of tragedies, last year two new hawks failed to make a nest although they tried on a number of fire escapes.  This season, two hawks have been reported in the 90’s of Riverside Park.  I went to see them today, but came away with more questions than answers.
