Saturday with the Central Park Fledgling

Saturday with the Central Park fledgling was a quiet afternoon of a bird resting in the hot weather followed by some fun in the early evening.

The fledgling taking it easy for the afternoon watching baseball and softball games.  A real North American.
One of the parents on the CNN sign.
She stayed in two trees for about four hours.
I went up to see if I could find Pale Male and returned to find the fledgling who had a squirrel trapped under a rock.
The squirrel was able to out wait the fledgling, who flew away.
She went south about a block…
… looked for the squirrel again…
and ended up in a tree in the middle of a playground.  She’s the small speck, just to the left of Hampshire House.
The perch may have been in the middle of crowds of people but it was American Robin free.
After a bit, she made a trip west trying first for a squirrel
And then sat in a tree with a view of one of her parents on a Central Park West and 66th Street apartment building.
After awhile, she went after a flock of pigeons, and we lost her.
As I left the park, her parent was still watching over her.
On a high rooftop on Central Park West and 66th Street.