Squab Tartar

I got to the park mid-afternoon on Saturday, to find a quiet park due to the sub-freezing temperatures.  I ran into Lincoln Karim at the edge of the Model Boat Pond.  He had Lola in his sights atop the “Oreo” building at 79th Street.  A man came up to us and said, “You might be interested in the huge bird just east of the boat house.”

The huge bird, was Pale Male who was already eating a pigeon.
After awhile, he took off for a tree across the drive, over the Boathouse.
Eventually, he made his way slightly northeast to a tree along the east drive.   He called Lola, who landed across in a tree on the west side of the drive.
Lola sat for awhile, despite his calling before making her way to the leftovers.
She had waited until Pale Male had moved away from the carcass before she moved.
Lola enjoyed her meal.
Pale Male didn’t wait very long after handing off the food to fly away.  He settled into a tree just west of the Alice in Wonderland sculpture.