Sunday, May 6th

Jean and I were the two regulars on Sunday, plus we had a few locals.  The temperature was cool, so the park was relatively quiet.

I arrived around 7:30 pm. to find the Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk in the Willow with the three owls!  The Red-tail was too busy chasing Robins to see them, but it did have me worried.  It went all around The Pool, and ended up landing on the Willow three times.

The three owls were much harder to find in the tree than usual tonight.  I couldn’t locate the third one until it flew out for the evening.  They landed on a nearby tree and were off before I could get some solid pictures.  They quickly moved 150 feet north, and we lost track of them.  I bet they wanted to move away from the area, just in case the Red-tail was still around.

Other trees are starting to be fully leafed out near the Willow.  I wonder how many days, we’ll still have with them roosting out in the open in Willow.
