Thursday, 7-24-08

Tonight, we had the adult female in almost the same place we had seen her on Saturday.  She called a number of times before flying out, and we might have heard a reply but could not be sure.

When she flew out, she actually came down right over my head and I had to duck.  It was great to see her fly right at me.  I don’t think she was trying to hurt me. 

She seemed intent on getting a worm from near where I was.  The earthworm had been brought to the surface by the heavy rains earlier in the day.  She got it and ate it in on a low tree branch.

She continued to do some calling and moved towards the location of the nest cavity.  Then we lost her and went to investigate a report of two owls that had been seen earlier in the week, on a slope of the Great Hill.  We didn’t find them, but couldn’t help but wonder if they were the fledglings or possibly owls from earlier years.
