Tuesday, May 22nd

On news of the release of the three young owls back into the park, everyone from the core group of owl watchers came to watch the fly out.

It turned out to be an auditory rather than visual evening. The adult owls were not in the Willow this evening.  We could hear groups of American Robins, crying in alarm and flying in and out of trees along the west drive.

When the branches were bare, it was easy to search for the owls in the twilight.  Now that the trees have leafed out, the trees seem so much darker and dense.  So tonight, I didn’t see a single owl perching.

Instead, we hear Robins and Owls.  One owl made a soft song for about ten minutes.  From this tree, we saw two owls fly out and fly into a tree further north.  But the leaves were too dense for me to see anything once they landed again.

Eastern Screech-Owl watching may soon be coming to an end for this season.