Wednesday Uptown

It was a nice evening on Wednesday with temperatures in the 70s.  The warmer weather seemed to increase the activity of the mother and the eyasses.

If you come up to visit the hawks, the best view is not from Morningside Drive, but from 113th Street.  From Morningside drive, turn onto the south side of 113th Street, walk about 20-30 feet west and look up at the Cathedral.  On the top of the Cathedral in front of you (but below the roof line) will be two Saints together.  Go two Saints to the left, and you’ll see the statue of the Apostle, St. Andrew.  He has his hand up to his face.  The nest is on his shoulder.  This side view is the best vantage point for looking into the nest.

If you have young children, the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary web site has a great coloring book online. 
Go to and click on the Buteos link.  A very large PDF will download.  You’ll then be able to print out a few nice coloring book pages.  (If your children want a colored page to copy from, click on the Back Cover link, and print it out.)
